EarlyAct, Interact, Rotaract show Rotarians the Way
Grand Island’s Early Act (Elementary school service Clubs), Interact (Middle & High School service Clubs) and the UB Rotaract Club raised $932 for Rotary Foundation’s Eradicating Polio project in past 2 months. They held Purple Pinkie sessions at their schools, where students and parents donated to have pinkies purpled, just as happens in Afghanistan / Pakistan when polio drops are administered in those few remaining areas were Polio exists. The somewhat older university Rotaractors had obtained a grant for supplies (purple disinfecting dye) and posters to help the younger ones. Kaegebein School raised $200, Huth Rd. $341, Middle School $86 and the High School $305. Now GI Rotarians have a challenge: write their own checks for the End Polio Now drive! All those funds are being multiplied by a major grant from the Bill Gates Foundation for hopefully the final push – remember Polio is only in humans, if the World goes 3 years without Polio, it’s gone!