Despite a new school year like no other, the Grand Island High School Interact Club, sponsored by G I Rotary, got themselves organized and well started with a drive to collect socks, hats, gloves, plus ‘travel size’ toiletries for the homeless of the Buffalo area. Club President Sophia Terlecki said: “Due to the upcoming winter season, we believe a hat and glove collection would greatly benefit those who are homeless or in need. Additionally, we decided to collect toiletries during this season of giving and I couldn’t be more excited to put these toiletries bags together.” The students have arranged two drop-off sites on Grand Island, the Dollar General store (great place for people to buy the items!) and Niagara Frontier Publications. Club Secretary, Grace Ahne said: “We have found that while collecting these items, you start to realize how truly lucky we are to have access to these things every day.” That lesson has already made the drive a success for the students, said, Kari Nowak, the Club’s new Teacher Advisor.