The Rotary continuum starts at the club level and grows. There is a much larger Rotary world that is just waiting for you to embrace once you understand what it is all about. Come and join us at the upcoming
Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) sessions being offered via ZOOM in
September, October and November, 2021. It is open to all Rotarians and Rotaractors in District 7090. It is an excellent opportunity to meet new Rotary friends (albeit virtually) and expand your Rotary experience.
RLI is made up of three parts, covering six topics per part – Here is an outline of the topics in the First Part, to show you how learning more of Rotary helps YOU learn and develop more of YOURSELF.
My Leadership in Rotary As a Rotarian, I am, by definition, a leader. Join us as we explore the characteristics of leadership, motivational techniques, and leadership styles. How do I best lead?
My Rotary World As a Rotarian, I am part of a worldwide organization of like-minded people. Take some time to truly understand the purpose and structure of Rotary. Can these resources help me?
Ethics and Vocational Service I am ethical, recognize and promote ethics in others, and seek opportunities to service through my vocation. You can see that I am a Rotarian.
Our Foundation I am “doing good” in my local community and around the world. Learn about the basic goals and programs of The Foundation. I am a force for good in the world!
Engaging Members I make my club and Rotary stronger by my active participation. Engaged club members have fun, make friends and effectively serve. This is why I joined Rotary!
Creating Service Projects I am a vital part of a worldwide service organization of business, professional and community leaders meeting needs in communities. I can build, run and promote service.
There is also a 'District Conference' the weekend of October 21 - 23, a chance for Rotarians from Western NY and Southern Ontario Clubs to exchange ideas (partly in-person, partly by Zoom). Please go on that District web site listed above and see all that is going on beyond Grand Island, but still close to our shores.