Vocation Talks Open Windows to our Members!
Posted by Henry G. Kammerer
on Jan 08, 2016
We know fellow Rotarian Mike Lockett as a hard worker, his talent in filling chili quart containers is legendary – but do you really know his background? That’s the point of having occasional Vocation talks at GI Rotary meetings! This week Mike described his life and career, emphasizing his great luck (well really, his intelligence and test taking ability) in obtaining free, very high quality education all the way to a PhD, in the UK in 1960’s. That start, plus further hard work, intelligence on his part and migrating to US, give us his current status: retired from Praxair as a noteworthy engineer elected to prestigious National Academy of Engineers, Professor in Chem. Engineering at UB, and devotee, along with Julie, of Scotties. Thanks for the wonderful talk Mike.