Undie Sunday all Week Long!
Posted by Kerri Nowak on Jan 25, 2017
Help the homeless and abused between Feb 5 and 12! Bring NEW, UNUSED, underwear and socks packages to bins that Grand Island Rotary will set up in Grand Island schools, churches, Tops, library and Town Hall; it’s Undie Sunday for a Whole Week! New Socks, Underwear for men, women and children are welcomed and needed. GI Rotarians will take them to City Mission of Buffalo and St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy. Please help them with NEW underwear, that means so much. Watch for Clothes Hampers around the Island from the 5th to 12th, pick up a package or two, drop them in the hampers and Rotarian Kerri Nowak at Huth Rd School, plus other Rotarians, will see to it that those near the bottom get some help!