Grand Island Rotary heard an interesting presentation on Nov 18th. A proactive approach to keep healthy people healthy and gives those at higher risk a better chance of avoiding dangerous and unhealthy behaviors. ‘Preventionfocus’ - presented by their Executive Director, Matthew G Smith, will show us a way to ‘get ahead’ of problems facing, particularly youth: Underage drinking, substance abuse, problem gambling, bullying, obesity, violence, suicide, and a host of related problems can be reduced when the proper prevention strategies are implemented. Preventionfocus puts such strategies to work every day in an effort to stop problems before they start. They give children, teens, and adults the skills and information needed to make safer and healthier choices. We also work to impact laws, policies, norms and beliefs that make those choices easier and more likely. Members and guests need to contact us to be on this Wed. evening ‘Zoom’ meeting.