An excellent picnic meeting of Grand Island Rotary last evening (7/25) at the home of John & Linda Harbison. A chance to honor seniors from this year at Grand Island High School. Maria Schnettler and Elizabeth Kretevski received $1000 scholarships to help their further education, while they and 7 others – Sara Wolcott, Arthur Meaney, Abigail Czerwonka, Jenna Tavano, Megan Shickluna, Yusaf Mojawalla and Megan Staley, all received Student Recognition Awards in honor of their service in the local and nearby communities. Those awards, plus induction of new Rotary member, Faye Teluk, made for a full evening, but we still had time to eat (of course, we always do)! The combination of students, 13 Rotarians, several parents and other friends produced a full evening of fellowship.